Skincare Contraindications
Used within the past year: isotretinoin (Accutane), Retin-A, Acyclovir, or tranquilizers
History of keloid scarring
uncontrolled diabetes
autoimmune disease
active herpes blisters, or any other existing condition that may interfere with the outcome of this treatment
List any illnesses, medical conditions, or medical treatments you have recently received that would prohibit or compromise the process of this chemical peel treatment
any facial surgical procedures
permanent cosmetic procedures
or other chemical peels within the past year
recent radioactive or chemotherapy treatments,
sunburns, windburns, or broken skin
Have you recently waxed or used a depilatory
pregnant or breastfeeding
Active acne
Active infection of any type, such as herpes simplex or flat warts.
Any raised lesions
Any recent chemical peel procedure
Chemotherapy or radiation
Eczema or dermatitis
Family history of hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation
Hormonal therapy that produces thick pigmentation
Oral blood thinner medications
Recent use of topical agents such as glycolic acids, alpha-hydroxy acids, and Retin-A
Skin Cancer
Telangiectasia/erythema may be worsened or brought out by exfoliation
Thick, dark facial hair
Uncontrolled diabetes
Use of Accutane within the last year
Vascular lesions
Active acne
Recent use of topical agents such as glycolic acids, alpha hydroxy acids, and Retin-A
Any recent chemical peel procedure
Uncontrolled diabetes
Eczema, dermatitis
Skin cancer
Vascular lesions
Oral blood thinner medications
Tattoos (not effective)
Use of Accutane within the last year
Family history of hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation
Telangiectasia/erythema may be worsened or brought out by skin exfoliation
Active Acne
Hemophilia/ bleeding disorders
Active Infection of any type (bacterial, viral, or fungal)
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Skin Cancer
Blood Thinner Medications
Keloid/hypertrophic scarring
Caridac disease/ abnormalities
Raised lesions (moles, wars, etc)
Chemotherapy or radiation
Recent chemical peel procedure
Sever Telangiectasia/ erythema
Collagen Vascular Disease
Recent use of topical Rx
Uncontrolled diabetes
Eczema, Psoriasis, or Dermatitis
Severe Rosacea
Vascular lesions (hemangiomas)
Recent botox or injectables
Metal implants including plates/pins/screws
Open wounds,
Pacemaker use,
Varicose veins.
Active Acne
Hemophilia/ bleeding disorders
Active Infection of any type (bacterial, viral, or fungal)
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Skin Cancer
Blood Thinner Medications
Keloid/hypertrophic scarring
Caridac disease/ abnormalities
Raised lesions (moles, wars, etc)
Chemotherapy or radiation
Recent chemical peel procedure
Sever Telangiectasia/ erythema
Collagen Vascular Disease
Recent use of topical Rx
Uncontrolled diabetes
Eczema, Psoriasis, or Dermatitis
Severe Rosacea
Vascular lesions (hemangiomas)
Recent botox or injectables
Active acne
Recent use of topical agents such as glycolic acids, alpha hydroxy acids, and Retin-A
Any recent chemical peel procedure
Uncontrolled diabetes
Eczema, dermatitis
Skin cancer
Vascular lesions
Oral blood thinner medications
Tattoos (not effective)
Use of Accutane within the last year
Family history of hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation
Telangiectasia/erythema may be worsened or brought out by skin exfoliation
Accutane within the last 12 months
Keloid Scars
In treatment for cancer or within the last 6 months
Active inflammatory conditions
History of active Herpes Simplex infections
Uncontrolled diabetes
Raised moles or warts on targeted area
Collagen vascular diseases
Active bacteria or fungal infection
Fillers less than 2 weeks
Scars less than 6 months old
Hemophilia/blood clotting disorders
Pregnant or nursing